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The easier – and faster – you can access accurate information, the better you can manage costs and make more strategic choices. 
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When we say that spending decisions present a moment of risk, you believe us. We’d also like you to know that spending decisions are moments of opportunity. 
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As a retailer you need to focus on your customers To do this make finances a little less frantic and get your travel expense and invoice spend taken care of Our research highlights h...
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The exciting smart technologies available today, and coming tomorrow, is nothing short of a new industrial revolution.
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The retail industry perhaps more than any other is facing massive disruption Online commerce is threatening physical outlets customers are demanding seamless omnichannel experiences ...
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Businesses from every industry are increasingly relying on cloud based services Heres how the energy and natural resources sector is reaping the benefits Faster Data Analysis Traditi...
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If you work in Energy and Natural Resources youll be aware of the multiple challenges the industry is facing Climate issues price volatility and decarbonisation mean traditional ways...
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The slow postpandemic return of international corporate travel in particular might signal some uncertainty in the marketplace about future expectations for demand and spend One messa...
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This article is written by Mike Barry Strategic Advisor speaker and commentator on Sustainable Business The world is still emerging from the crippling health and economic crisis foll...
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The existing menu of emobility options runs from buses and boats to ebikes and maybe eboards Future greensky thinking includes electric aeroplanes and hybrid airships So is there sti...
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