Understanding Benelux Business Travelers: New SAP Concur Reseach Insights

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SAP Concur presents compelling new research on Benelux business travelers, highlighting critical issues impacting their professional journeys: 

  • Career Importance vs. Flexibility: 78% of Benelux business travelers view travel as crucial for career advancement, yet 90% have experienced reduced flexibility, such as limitations on remote work during personal trips. 
  • Impact of Cost-Cutting Measures: Despite valuing flexibility, 39% believe their companies prioritize cost-cutting over their need for flexible travel options. 
  • Navigating Travel Challenges: 90% have had to take unexpected actions due to travel disruptions, with 31% having to cancel or reschedule meetings. 
  • AI in Travel: While 90% are open to AI-enabled travel booking options, only 8% currently use them, emphasizing the need for company-provided support and data protection assurances. 
  • Equality Concerns: A significant 59% feel they don't always have the same travel opportunities as colleagues, citing factors like seniority, age, or location disparities. 
  • Sustainability and Flexibility: Despite sustainability initiatives, 26% see their companies prioritizing sustainable travel over flexibility or cost-cutting, yet face challenges due to budget constraints. 

This comprehensive overview sheds light on the evolving landscape of Benelux business travel, highlighting both the opportunities and challenges faced by travelers and their organizations. 

For detailed insights, download the full report.